Staff Sgt. Jason D. Whitehouse embodied the Marine Corps values of honor, courage, and commitment. Jason’s journey is one that speaks of service, dedication, and profound sacrifice.
Born in Houston and raised in Phoenix, Jason was no stranger to the call of service. His fascination with military life, fueled by countless viewings of the movie “Platoon,” culminated in his enlistment in 1999 after some community college coursework. His determination and unwavering dedication led him to become a HUMINT specialist at 2nd Intelligence Battalion at Camp Lejeune, N.C.
On November 2, 2006, while on a dismounted combat patrol in direct support of Fox Company 2/7, Staff Sgt. Jason D. Whitehouse was tragically taken from us. Insurgents attacked his patrol with an IED initiated ambush. SSgt Whitehouse died instantly.

Jason leaves behind a legacy of commitment and courage. He is survived by his wife, Lindsay, and their two children Aaron and Haylie. Jason’s memory lives on not only in the hearts of his family but in the countless lives he touched through his service and sacrifice.
As we remember Staff Sgt. Jason D. Whitehouse, let us honor his memory by reflecting on his unyielding commitment to duty, his charismatic presence, and his readiness to step forward when called upon. His selflessness and unwavering dedication to protecting his comrades and those he served alongside will forever inspire us.
In his memory, let us carry the torch of honor, courage, and commitment that he bore throughout his life. Staff Sgt. Jason D. Whitehouse’s legacy will endure, a testament to the enduring spirit of service and sacrifice that lives within us all.

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One response to “In Memory of SSgt Jason D. Whitehouse”
Thank you for giving your all to our Nation’s War on terrorism. We will remember you and those who gave some while others like you gave your all. AMDG…