Key Terrain Cyber is a professional journal dedicated to educating our readers about cyberspace warfare, influence operations, military communications, space operations, and intelligence. We also provide information about how China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea are shaping the strategic environment that frames the conduct of these activities. KTC offers research fellowships to service-members that provide them with mentors and advances their professional development. Before you leave, please stop at our Information Warfare Memorial and pay your respects to the information warriors who lost their lives supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  •     Iran’s Cyber-Domain Efforts Through Unconventional Warfare Forces Against Israel.

    The modern world’s appetite for a kinetic conflict is seemingly at an all-time low. Across the world, major conflicts are continuously denounced by the world stage, forcing the international community to often support one side or the other in order to push for a quicker ending to a conflict; regardless of how the end is…

  • In Memory of SGT William Rechenmacher

    SGT William Joshua Rechenmacher served as an imagery analyst with 1st Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 1st Cavalry Division, out of Fort Hood, Texas. Josh’s love for the military was…

  • In Memory of Senior Chief Shannon Kent

    Today we mark the loss of Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon M. Kent, and celebrate her extraordinary life — a true American hero. Born on May 11, 1985, in…

  • VIP Human Solutions

    How Nation State Cyberespionage and Cyber Counterintelligence Campaigns May Be Normalizing Persuasive Technology Behavioral Design to Victimize US Military Communities By Tim Pappa Tim Pappa is a former Supervisory…

  • Information Operations: The Primer I’ve (You’ve) Been Looking For

    Steve Tatham speaks with unimpeachable authority. Unlike more academic treatments, Information Operations provides real case studies backed up with Steve’s intimate involvement in many of them as a former Royal Navy information professional who served across the UK defense establishment in and out of uniform. On a personal level, I was delighted to find that…